February 1, 2015

Sewing Table Turned Bedside Table

My wonderful mother recently gave me a vintage sewing table that she had stashed away and hadn't used in years.

Excited as I was, it didn't take me more than five minutes to figure out where in the house to use it.

My poor hubby has been using a white painted TV table from Ikea for a bedside table for more years than I care to remember - - not that he cared all that much, but it bothered me alot.

A coat of creamy white paint and a light distressing had this vintage beauty looking oh so lovely in my eyes.

A much better fit for this corner of the bedroom then what we had before.

Hubby, bless his heart, actually commented that it was a good thing I mentioned the switch up since he wasn't sure if he would have noticed . . . . . . 

I seriously stood there opened mouthed...

 in pure dismay staring at him...

 unable to form a coherent thought for at least a minute
(which he thought was hilarious)...

before I exploded with a "What do you mean you wouldn't have noticed????"  

 - - Great come back right?  
It was all I could manage at the moment.  LOL.

Poor Hubby, he just doesn't get it.

. . . . . . .

Oh, and since I'm giving the man such a hard time today I thought I'd share a quick look at how our bed looks on a typical day.

I was chuckling about it to myself while I was taking photos of the new pretty side table and just happened to take a photo for fun.

Do you find anything strange about this picture?

Crazy right!

I call it the pancake pillow.

Try as I might - - and I have, countless times - - hubby won't part with it.

I use to stack pillows up on his side just to make it look even and pretty but these day's I just don't bother.

He's a strange one, my hubby, 
but I love him so I guess that means I have to love his pillow too!

. . . . . . . 

That's it for my ramblings today, have a great day everyone,


  1. 'Love the sewing table! How pretty! My favorite fellow wouldn't have noticed either. A few years ago, I moved some plaques from the bathroom to our bedroom. My husband did notice them in the bedroom, but asked me where I got them. LOL! -Marci @ Stone Cottage Adventures

  2. I have to tell my husband to "Come Look" or else he wouldn't notice anything. Amazing at how they live here but don't see anything. Love the new table.

  3. I love your sewing table! It fits so well into the room! And your bedroom is so tidy and clean!!! I'm jealous :)

  4. Such a pretty table! I bought new nightstand a couple of months ago and never said anything to my husband. He has never mentioned them. I'm not sure if he hasn't noticed or just doesn't care! In my house I am the one with the pancake pillow and my husband likes to use two big pillows. I don't know how he doesn't wake up with a crick in his neck. :)

  5. Fun post, and a lovely job you did on that table!

    1. Thank you Cathy, I'm glad I was so patient until a wonderful solution presented itself because I am loving the look of this little corner now. Have a great day. Robin

    2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  6. Love that sewing table!!! My hubs is the same way, I could paint the entire house in zebra stripes and I'd have to eventually tell him about it. And my hubs sleeps on flat little pillows - and I don't know how they stand it!

    1. Our poor hubbies, they just can't catch a break! LOL. Have a great day. Robinj

  7. Well, you are not alone in the hubs department. Mine, bless his heart, just has no sense of design style or balance in placement of furniture. Having a hubby that doesn't take notice isn't THAT bad....think of it this way: you can bring new stuff home and he will NOT notice. I speak from experience. **giggle**

    And love that pancake pillow. LIke Linus and his blankie.....

    Thanks for the laugh! LOVE that side table.

  8. The table looks so nice there, Robin! And my husband wouldn't part with his pancake pillow either...lol.

  9. The table looks very good in your bedroom, what is it with hubbies and pillows, mine is the samexx

  10. Your hubby's new bedside table is darling, I love how you've styled it with the basket and pillow underneath. I bring things home all the time that my husband doesn't notice until way later, if at all. I hung a new mirror in our dining room on Friday and he hasn't noticed yet.

  11. The vintage sewing stand makes the perfect beside table. Love how you're using it!
    Mary Alice

  12. The bedroom is gorgeous, and the bedside table looks great!!

  13. It's perfect! So funny about the pillow and mine is the same way, I often have to point out things that I've changed or he'd never notice.
    Thanks so much for sharing at AMAZE ME MONDAY.

  14. It's perfect! So funny about the pillow and mine is the same way, I often have to point out things that I've changed or he'd never notice.
    Thanks so much for sharing at AMAZE ME MONDAY.

  15. I agree, with those long legs, sewing cabinets are perfect bedside tables! This one is so pretty. And your husband is funny. My husband squishes his pillow, so it gets pretty flat, but he's never quite turned it onto a pancake. Not sure you can even call that a pillow anymore!

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