March 27, 2012

Living Room Makeover

After weeks of on again, off again work transforming my living room to match the picture in my mind . . . I'm happy to report it's finished.
The room is now a light filled space with a easy, breezy feel I was hoping to obtain.

To refresh your memory, here is a before shot the kids took back in December of last year.

Gone are the nasty yellow walls from five years ago.  Replaced instead by a pretty creamy white called Milk Paint from Pittsburgh Paint.  I had the color matched at Home Depot so I could try their new Behr paint with the primer built in.  Have to say, I kind of love it.  One coat is all it took.  Which is a good thing since this color went on the walls not only in the living room, but the dinning room, kitchen, entryway and stairway plus the hallway leading to the bedrooms.  Painting took a good solid three and a half days of mommy work (mommy work = stopping every five minutes to put out a fire or make someone a snack...LOL)

After painting, I started working on a few other ideas for the room.  I have so many new features to show off I'm planning to address them more in future posts.  But today I'll just give you the highlights.

For accent colors I decided to used pale blue and lime green for a spring feel.  Since I don't have a coffee table right now that I like, I borrowed a blue bench I built years ago from the downstairs bathroom to add a pop of pretty blue.  Candlesticks, flowers, a few books and a lantern add the perfect touch of polish to the bench.

The previous white sheer curtains were replaced with a set I made for my bedroom a couple years ago.  Hung with simple curtain clips they add just the right amount of my accent colors to the room.
The artwork on either side of the window was replaced with the DIY version I talked about here.

The largest wall in the room has long been a thorn in my side.  Attempt after attempt has been made to find the perfect arrangement . . . each falling short of my expectations.
That is until now.
Two simple, five foot picture ledges hung in a staggered manner fills the space perfectly and helps emphasize the height of the wall adding to the open feeling in the room.
I can't tell you how much I enjoy this grouping.  The idea popped into my head three months ago and I have been impatient to try it out.  It has exceeded my expectations and transformed an eyesore into a gem.

To help blend the picture ledge into the furniture below, I painted simple wood plaques with a single number and hung them in a grouping to fill the blank space at the end of the pictures ledge.  I think it adds the perfect balance to finish off the wall.

With the large wall complete, I next fixed my sights on two arm chairs I'd purchased from the thrift store way back in August of last year.  The legs where a  dark brown color and the fabric was a pink/brownish color - - not at all a color I wanted to add to the room.
After painting the legs and arms with my go-to white paint call Cottage White,  I distressed the edges and gave it a protective coat.  Next I began sewing two slipcover from a coverlet I've had for years that the kids had spilled nail polish on.  I had just enough to cover both chairs after cutting around the damaged fabric.
On the small table between the two chairs I place an urn with faux flowering branches and a favorite white clock.

And what better way to add a breezy feel to a room then placing a vintage fan . . .

Or two!

There you have it. 
My newly transformed easy, breezy, light filled room

Stop by later this week if you'd like for more information on how I built the picture ledges and tips on sewing a slipcover for an arm chair.

Hope you all have a lovely day and I'll talk to you soon,


Linked up to these parties:

A Touch Of Easter Sweetness

The month of March and flown by so fast I'm breathless and a little freaked out that it is almost April.

With Easter Sunday right around the corner, I've decided to skip my usual bunnies and eggs decor (since we'll be at Grandma's anyway) and concentrate more on "Spring" decorating. 

My resolve melted as soon as my eyes met Betty's ...

 Isn't she the most adorable bunny ever!

Betty fits perfectly into my spring decor with her pale blue ribbon necklace and flower.
It's a friendship meant to be.

Since I'd already thrown my No-Easter-Decorations Rule out the window, I decided why not add a basket of eggs too.

1 adorable bunny  + 1 basket of eggs  =  Easter decorations

How about you? 
Did you go all out, or keep it simple?


March 21, 2012

Homemade Art: Posterboard and Paint

I've had two large frames begging for some attention and after looking high and low for something to fill them with I took matters into my own hands.
Dollar store poster board and a mix of craft paint in hand I started slapping paint here and there and came up with my own abstract art to fill the two lonely frames.
Attempt #1:

Attempt #2

Both turned out respectable enough to hang on either side of the living room window until I can find something to replace them with.
For now they add a color punch to the walls that I have been craving.

Hope you all have great day,

March 20, 2012

Tiny Red Wagon

Spotted this tiny red wagon at the Thrift Store the other day,

and instantly fell in love.

It's perfectly broke in and delightfully rusty. 

Never in my life have I longed for a tractor, but now I can't get my mind off finding a red one to match the wagon.

For now, I'm happy with this tiny red wagon, the perfect addition to my red, white and blue decorations for the Fourth of July.  Can't you just see it filled with mini flags?

It will be great at Christmas time too, filled with mini trees or sparkling ornaments.

Oh the possibilities have me giddy.

What's got you giddy today?


March 12, 2012

Color Me Happy

This morning I have a quick peek to show you of the new wall color in all the main rooms upstairs.  It seems like ages ago that I packed away the last of my painting supplies but crazy schedules and sick kids have prevented me from finishing the transformation.

Being the impatient sort, I just can't resist showing you a little peek.  A few hasty photos snaped when the sun was actually shining is all I have to show you today.

Gone are the too bright yellow walls.

Instead a pale creamy white brightens the rooms.

 (next project:  those chair!  Whew, I love them but they are UGLY now)

You can see things are looking a little sparse but like I said, things are moving at a snails pace around here lately.

I'm hoping this will be the week to finish the transformation so I can show it off a little better.

Hope you all had a great weekend,

March 8, 2012

Getting A Little Dirty

Every year at this time I come down with a bad case of the gardening bug.  It slowly builds up inside me, an ocassional thought here and there  . . . turns into an all consuming desire to dig my hands into a bag of potting soil.  

No Tools . . . No Gloves
  I can't deny myself the pure bliss of gritt under my nails and dirt stained hands.
I know - - I'm weird.
Kids think I'm crazy - - but I'm cool with that!

Happily I fill tiny planters and creamers with wheatgrass seeds.  Larger containers are filled with spring blooming bulbs.

Before I know it the pretty display in my kitchen window is replaced with field of plastic wrapped containers.

To most it's not a very pretty sight, but to me . . .

It's anticipated beauty and I love it.

Hope you have a great day,