August 26, 2014

I Love Vintage Cake Carriers

For those of us who enjoy collecting vintage treasures, no matter how many collections we have in the works there is always one that steals our hearts above all the others.

For me, it's vintage cake carriers.

Can't really explain my fascination, I just know it exists.

I have a total of three cake carriers . . . A rectangle shaped one . . . A square shaped one . . . and now . . . 

A circle shaped one!

She's a beauty, don't you think?

Made by Regal sometime in the 1950's she is in excellent shape.

As soon as I had it washed up and ready to use my youngest daughter promptly baked a cake to put inside.

Looks yummy, not that I'd know, the kids had it all eaten up by the time I was ready for a piece!

I thought this little storage area was a nice feature.
The perfect place to hold cake eating supplies which makes it a great thing to have for picnic's or potlucks.

Couldn't be more please.

Bye now,



  1. Yes, she is a beauty! Great find! And so nice to have your daughter bake a cake, too!

  2. Oh I love it, I have one that was my mom's and I adore it too. This one is a real beauty.

  3. Love it! My grandmother used to have one similar to this one and would bring it to picnics and family reunions.

  4. The minute I saw it I I googled it and I was correct. It is also a pie carrier. My mom had one similar.

  5. That storage space is for a pie, I think. In such good shape!

  6. Lucky you, that is an awesome and useful find for sure!

  7. I love them too Robin. I have three. Guess that makes a collection. lol! Yours is super cute!


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